If you had a superpower?
Mind reader – I’d love to know what people are really thinking.
On what occasions do you lie?
I’m not a big liar, but I can find creative ways to tell the truth.
Your most treasured possession?
A custom engraved necklace with my son’s name on it, I never take it off.
What would you do if you got stuck in an elevator?
I always bring a snack or a drink on an elevator in case this happens. I’d hunker down and enjoy my treat.
What is your favorite drink?
French vanilla latte, hot (even in the heat of summer; iced coffee is gross).
If you could go back in time, where would you go?
The roaring 20’s in Paris of course. One big party and so many amazing authors.
If a movie were made about your career, what would be the title?
I don’t know what I don’t know, so I guess I’ll find out.
Garden gnomes — what do you think?
I just don’t get it, they’re so creepy!
You’ve been given an elephant. What do you do?
Question who the heck would give me an elephant and then promptly return it to someone who can take proper care of it. Naturally, I would also ask if I can ride him because you have to, right?
What one object do you take with you on a desert island (you have water and food already)?
A magical kindle that runs on solar power and has every book ever written.
What was the last gift you got someone?
I bought a hibachi style flat top grill attachment for my husband… keep it quiet because I haven’t given it to him yet!
What is your most unusual talent?
I don’t want to brag, but I can hold myself in a plank position for a ridiculous amount of time. I’ve been known to challenge people to planking competitions at parties and I always win.
If you could breed two animals together, what would they be?
A pig and a bird so we can see pigs fly!
If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Pizza. You can add veggies, protein, fruit (for the oddball pineapple lovers); it’s so versatile.
What is something you hate but wish you loved?
Brussel sprouts. I’ve tried to cook those mini cabbages so many ways, and I still hate them.
What is something you get wrong every time you try?
Riding a bike. After many years and many failed attempts, I finally gave up trying to learn how to do it.
Who would you like to sit next to on a 10 hour flight?
My sister. We have the same taste in movies and books, plus we both like to nap.
If you joined the circus, what would your circus act be?
The ring leader – I don’t have any spectacular circus skills, but my goodness I could hype everyone else up.
If you could jump into a pool of something, what would it be?
Pillows. I probably would have a rough landing and I’d need something soft.
If you could talk to one species of animals, which one would it be?
Dogs. I spend so much time talking to mine, it’d be nice if they could talk back.
Who inspires you?
Dolly Parton. She’s a perfect example of a hard working and genuine person who goes above and beyond to support others.
What’s the greatest length you’ve gone to for a client?
Employees are my clients. I may or may not have worked from the hospital bed when I went into labor with my son just to be sure job offers went out successfully and new hires were ready for their first day.
If NJI were a television show or movie, what would it be?
Grey’s Anatomy. Instead of doctor’s, we have marketing professionals. Instead of performing innovative surgeries to support patients, we provide exceptional creative services to delight our clients. Same thing.